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What You Need to Know 

  • What makes Flower Turbines special?
    We try to solve all the issues of small wind turbines that could prevent them from being used in a tight environment, near people, and near and on buildings. As a starter, they must be quiet and pleasing to the eye. Our biggest game changer is that our wind turbines perform better when close together. Our turbines start at lower speeds. Click here ( for a video of our turbines starting at 0.7 m/s. Most turbines start at 3 m/s. We also provide solar and charging solutions for e-bikes so you can also encourage clean transportation.
  • How much power do the turbines generate?
    This depends on the wind speed, the size, and the number of turbines. We have several models. Our smallest turbine produces 36.5 W/h at 10m/s of wind. This is a carefully measured point. Here is a power curve for two small turbines. It was measured while recording on the back of a truck. Here is a power curve for the medium size done in the EU in a real installation. We have not yet performed standardized truck testing for this size. Because of our revolutionary Bouquet Effect (the turbines make their neighbors perform better), two turbines together produce around 25% more each than two turbines separately. Our current testing indicates that you can add 25% to the performance of each one for each turbine you add. So three turbines together produce 75% more than three separate turbines. To see the difference it makes, here is the power curve for a single one of our 3 meter blade height Tulip and then the same turbine in a group of 10: The Power Curve for our Large tulip is here will be available soon. The table below shows how many watts are produced per hour by a singular turbine in various wind speeds: Our FAQ page lets you enter the number of turbines in your project and see the results by size and wind speed.
  • What is off-grid and what is on-grid?
    On grid means that you attach your system to the utility. Off grid means that you live independent of the utility and provide all your own power. An on-grid system doesn’t need a battery because you use electricity and sell your extra electricity to the grid and use grid electricity when your wind system doesn’t produce enough. In effect, the grid is your safety backup. If you disconnect from the grid, it means that you need extra capacity to make sure you can charge your batteries, and that your batteries have enough capacity to carry you through periods of no wind and no sun, if you own solar. Having wind and solar together gives you a greater chance of being able to recharge your batteries in all circumstances. You have to determine the capacity of your batteries by looking at your electric usage and by knowing how long, in the worst case, you might have no wind (or no solar) energy feeding the battery. To go off-grid, you should plan on having extra energy capacity and extra battery capacity for worst case scenarios. In an off-grid system, your wind turbine’s output passes through a charge controller into a battery and from there into an off-grid inverter, which synchronizes to the voltage (120 or 240) of your house or building without synchronizing to the grid. In a world of inflated energy costs, it could be advantageous to be independent and take control over your power. If you are interested in this, with or without solar, you can fill out the Project Detail Form and contact . If you are in the EU, contact . If you are doing this with your local solar installer, you can put the two of us in touch.
  • What size turbine should you pick?
    You can adjust your available space and the power available from the different turbines. The bigger and larger the turbines, the more cost effective, in general. One has to take installation costs into account. Our wind turbines perform more efficiently when properly oriented to utilize our Bouquet Effect. Here is a table about the way to locate the different sizes, in general: Size Location Large (6 meters high) Land or very strong roof Medium (2 meters high) Land or strong roof Mini (1 meters high) Land or regular roof
  • When do you get your wind turbine?
    The estimated shipping date from the ordering date is 6 – 15 weeks. We are happy to provide you with an estimated delivery date. Please contact us.
  • How do you choose the right product?
    We would be happy to help you to choose the right wind turbines to reach your sustainable development goals after you read the guidance resources on the website. Please fill out the Project Detail Form and contact us by email at or for the rest of the world.
  • Can I order more than one unit at a time?
    You should because then you benefit from the Bouquet Effect of the turbines making their neighbors perform more efficiently.
  • How many wind turbines will power a house?
    How many turbines will power my house or business? We can answer that if we know your electricity consumption, the wind speed, the size of your property—on the ground or on the roof– and the size and quantity of wind turbines you can fit. When you ask this question, we ask you to think about your goals and communicate them to us if needed. Many people just want to replace their carbon footprint. We believe that is a great objective, but you may have room to get a better return on investment by making more electricity than you use. Other people want to match their consumption because the utility doesn’t pay so much for extra power you send back. Since renewable energy is variable, we recommend not worrying whether the utility will get some cheap electricity from you but rather try to approximate your usage.
  • Are these turbines certified?
    Our whole products are not yet UL or CE certified. We are in the process of getting these certifications. You will have to speak with your local city ordinance to obtain permits and permissions. The part that is really important for certification is the inverter that connects to the grid, and we use only UL or CE inverters. Most of the charge controllers we build ourselves using only standard UL/CE quality or certified electronics. The ones we buy are all CE certified. All the generators are CE certified.
  • Can this power my house/gym/lights?
    It depends on the turbine size, number, and your wind speed and the power consumed by your house/gym/lights.
  • When will it be available in Australia/Peru/India/Argentina/Costa Rica/etc?
    We can sell to all these countries from the US if you want to pay shipping costs. We have a minimum order of $20,000 for South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Our EU office handles the EU. We are in the process of discussing joint ventures in China and India that will enable customers in those countries to take advantage of cheaper, locally produced products, so you can wait till then. And of course contact the EU office for sales in the EU.
  • Do you have a price list?
    For countries outside of Europe, the prices are on our US store. Our EU staff sells projects so each project is priced differently and there is no price list. Note that our shipping costs change all the time in today’s business environment so the price of shipping can change when it is time to ship them.
  • What is the duration and coverage of the warranty?
    Five years on parts we produce. Parts that we purchase assume the warranty that the supplier offers. We build the turbines with the aim that they should last 20-40 years.
  • Do you have a list of locations where you have installed turbines?
    We would not give the private locations so as not to disturb private citizens, but you can see where they are installed in several municipalities in Europe, such as Rotterdam, Nisseward, and others. Some clients put our turbines on their website, such as the towns of Middleburg and Nisseward. You can also see them by going to a Coldplay concert and viewing the turbines on top of their lighting towers. We post occasional projects on our social media sites.
  • What is the lifetime of the turbines?
    We build them to last 20-40 years.
  • Do the turbines come with batteries?
    As a default, no. We could provide them. In general, we recommend that you purchase batteries yourself locally because they are heavy. We have some links in our shop to models we recommend for use with our smaller off-grid projects.
  • How many turbines have we sold?
    Over 50
  • What are the transportation costs?
    Some on our web store in the US are automatic. Internationally, it is a custom quotation.
  • What is the estimated delivery time?
    1-6 months depending on the model. This is once the order is fulfilled and shipped from our warehouse.
  • Do you deliver the turbines in one piece?
    Yes for the smaller models. The large models and the charging and installation systems require some assembly. As with all products, an inverter should be installed by a licensed electrician.
  • Can I put my logo on a turbine?
    Yes. Contact our support staff for a consultation at or
  • Is the output AC or DC and what is the voltage?
    This is a complicated question. The electronics for a wind turbine are put together in several steps.The voltage can be different at each step and vary according to wind speed. The shaft is connected to a generator that produces unusable AC. That electricity passes through a rectifier as part of a charge controller that produces DC. At that point, the DC electricity can be used to (1) power DC appliances, (2) charge a battery that then powers an inverter, (3) power an inverter directly. If it powers a battery, the voltage needs to match the battery voltage. The voltage from the inverter is 110 in the US and other countries and 220 in Europe and other countries.
  • How much do I pay for custom colors?
    It depends on the turbine size.
  • Do the turbines present problems with harmonic vibration?
    It is a potential problem but you don’t have to worry about this with Flower Turbines. We measured that for our medium size turbine in the wind tunnel at the University of Delft. The resonance bumped a little higher at wind of 13-14 meters per second (which is rare) and it was well within safe ranges and very low at all wind speeds.
  • Where can I find the sound test reports?
    You can view it here. In short, our turbines add no noise to the wind. In fact, they decrease it.
  • Do you sell batteries to store energy produced by the turbines?
    While batteries are generally not included in our products and current pricing, we are happy to accommodate in helping you decide what battery is best for you and, adding it to your purchase. Just include this request in your project detail form or by reaching out to for stateside and global customers, or if you are located in Europe.
  • Do I get a discount when I buy a lot of turbines?
    If it is a large project, yes. The larger quantities shown on the website as packages have the discount built into the price. When you get large quantities, the Bouquet Effect provides the equivalent of a discount.
  • What is the starting speed of the turbines?
    Our turbines start spinning at less than 1 meter per second (2 miles per hour). It produces little, but we start making some useful energy at around 2 m/s. Remember that other turbines usually start spinning at 3 m/s and start producing useful energy at 4 m/s.
  • What’s the difference between this and any other horizontal wind turbine - a similar shape for a fraction of the price?
    Flower Turbines indeed are more expensive than horizontal axis turbines in general and you can find some very cheap ones for sale. There is more to turbines than initial price so they really aren’t competitive. 1.The fan-type ones are noisier, not so pretty, and more dangerous for people and wildlife, so harder to use near buildings and people. The horizontal axis ones may be more cost-effective in an isolated field; that is a different market. Ones that are very cheap we have observed falling apart quickly and dangerously. 2. The horizontal ones, especially the cheap ones, require much more maintenance or may fall apart completely after a short time. You have to look at the total cost of ownership. Horizontal axis turbines require more maintenance and break down faster because they are not symmetrical. 3. You may not get in practice what they claim. 4. Flower Turbines start producing electricity at lower wind speeds.
  • Can I save on my electric bill?
    The savings will depend on your wind speed and the price you pay the utility. In general, the largest size is currently the most cost-effective one, and they are meant to be bought in a cluster. Just like buying many solar panels at one time is more cost-effective than buying and installing one at a time. When considering your utility bill, don’t forget to look at all the taxes and fees that might be added to your cost per kilowatt hour. You don’t have to pay those taxes with our energy. Another important consideration is energy inflation. The cost of buying from utilities is going up, whereas, when purchasing your own system, the electricity it saves you is worth more each year.
  • Do they freeze up when not running?
    We can’t guarantee it, but our turbines can operate in the snow! See our video below.
  • A Government subsidized industry?
    There are many incentives available in many countries for renewable energy. We are trying to make this work without the need for government funding.
  • What's the weight of each turbine?
    See the brochures on the web site for the latest figures, as each version changes slightly and depends on options. For approximate use: Small: 50 kg. Medium: 200 kg. Large: 1000 kg.
  • How many turbines do I need to be cost effective?
    The more the better and the larger the better. That means a lower cost of installation per turbine and more cluster effect. The cost-effectiveness also depends on your wind speed and cost of electricity.
  • Can I buy 2 different sizes? Do they all have to be the same size?
    You can buy different sizes at the same time. You will have a better cluster effect if you put several of the same size next to each other.
  • How much power do you get out of a Flower Turbine in a year?
    This depends on the size of the turbine, the number of turbines properly oriented in a bouquet, and the wind speed. If you want to find out how much power a certain average wind speed generates per year, then multiply that number by 8760 hours and, if the answer is in watts, divide by 1000 to get kilowatt hours per year. We have four sizes of Tulip wind turbines: small, medium, medium large, and large. The large is equivalent to the new, fully stacked AL13 Power Tower. Please note this table lists the output of individual turbines on their own. Properly positioning bouquets of turbines to utilize our patented Bouquet Effect dramatically increases the efficiency of each unit. The Power Tower has more sizes since it consists of 1-meter high stackable modules from 1 to 6 modules.
  • What is the durability and expected life of the blades?
    We build them to last at least 20 years. We tested them at 20 meters per second in a wind tunnel for an extended time and there were no problems. We tested them on top of a truck at 120.8 mph (54 m/s) and there were no problems. Watch our video of the testing:
  • Are they vertical axis magnetic levitation wind turbines?
    Vertical axis but not levitation.
  • Are the blades recyclable?
    This is an important issue. The way it is being solved in Europe is by using them to make concrete. In addition, the company Vestas recently announced that they have a chemical way to recycle them. Our blades are ABS plastic. We also have a large aluminum blade model, which is of course easy to recycle.
  • Do you make your own electronics?
    We use off the shelf electronics for the generators and inverters, but have started to produce our own charge controllers in the US and will gradually phase them in and add more features to them. We have numerous patents on electronics which we believe will redefine the small wind industry, but it will take time and money to put the concepts into production.
  • Are your turbines made of anti-corrosive material?
    Fiberglass and plastic are not corrosive. Aluminum tends to have a white oxide outer layer in a very salty environment but does not corrode. Certain types of steel are resistant and we coat exposed parts as needed. For sales near the sea, we recommend such protection and you should contact us before buying for such a location for special treatment and costs. We are making certain parts to be corrosion resistant by default.
  • Can they stand up to corrosion caused by being practically on the beach?
    Yes, if properly treated.
  • How can I figure out what products best suit my needs?
    You can fill out the Project Detail Form here to let us know the specifics of your project, and what you're looking to achieve: Click Here
  • Is a small wind turbine enough to charge a battery or to be used by an inverter?
    Yes, usually overnight. The answer depends on wind speed, capacity of battery, etc.
  • I would like my turbines on a shorter/longer pole, are they modular?
    Email us or fill out our project detail form to give us some specifics on your request, and we are happy to work with you to customize your order.
  • Can I get a tax credit on a Flower Turbine?
    Yes, The Residential Clean Energy Credit equals 30% of the costs of new, qualified clean energy property for your home installed anytime from 2022 through 2032. Learn more at
  • Is there a minimum order?
    For areas outside the US and EU, the minimum order is $20,000.
  • Do you offer financing?
    PNC Bank is interested in working with Flower Turbines customers. They are offering Unsecured Small Business Loans of $20,000-100,000 without collateral — contact them directly.
  • What can I expect out of the Survival Unit?
    It is important to understand what the Survival Unit is capable of and how you should use it. The ideal use for the Survival Unit is for situations where the grid has stopped functioning due to high winds. The unit enables charging of batteries that can have some important uses during these times. When the wind is around 22 mph, you can expect around 36 watts each hour. The turbine will produce its maximum at around 32 mph, which is 100 watts per hour. Above that speed, you won’t gain much power, so you should move it to a location where the wind is at that speed. You will do best with two batteries, one to recharge while the other is in use. This is most useful at a time when there is no alternative. The grid goes down and you don’t have a generator for the house, or the generator runs out of fuel. Realistic uses of the battery power during that time include: Charging a cell phone Using a cup water heater Providing some heat for an electric blanket for a limited time Recharging emergency communication devices LED lights and flashlights It is not realistic to expect the Survival Unit e to charge the battery sufficiently to provide more than a limited charge to a refrigerator, or to enable computer use for more than a limited time. The Survival Unit has applications when there is no emergency, but you want to charge your batteries sustainably. In these cases, when winds are slower, the charge is unlikely to be more than 10 watts per hour. You can supplement the wind energy with electricity from a solar panel. During an emergency, you can connect both the solar panel and Survival Unit to the battery at the same time. Exercise good battery care. Recharge your battery occasionally to make sure it doesn't die. You can use the charger that usually accompanies your battery to do so, ensuring a battery is always at full charge. Only use batteries from safe and recognized brands due to fire hazards from lithium batteries. A general storage recommendation is to place it in the garage and roll it out when needed. SAFETY: Use sandbags inside the cooler portion to weigh it down. Place the unit in a location where people and children can’t reach it. Inside a wire fence that is locked or child-proof is ideal. Although it is safer than many other turbines because it spins with a smooth side forward, the blades absolutely should not be touched when spinning. Do not try to charge from the turbine’s charge controller directly. Disconnect the battery and use the battery. A smart battery will usually have multiple ways to use its power.
  • How do you connect and install your product?
    You will need a local installer. Our current default is to ship our smaller wind, charging, and solar products ready to install. After physical installation, an electrician should make the electrical installation. We are happy to help you and your installer with the installation. We sometimes work with qualified partners who can help you with the installation in some locations.
  • Where should you put your turbine?
    Determine the place where you want to put your turbine. An area of higher wind is almost always the best choice. If it is on a flat area, ground or roof, you should have exact measurements of the location and the direction of where most of the wind comes from. You will ideally place your group of turbines so that they are side by side perpendicular to the direction of the wind. We can help you to determine the best place for your wind turbines when you send us your weather station data and a map with distances of the locations you have available.
  • What is the minimum required distance between the turbines?
    The turbines are positioned best at a shaft to shaft distance that is obtained by multiplying the turbine diameter at its widest point by 1.25. That is the distance from the center of one shaft to the next. The effect works well as close as 1.1 and farther as 1.3. Note that for vertical axis turbines such as ours the diameter is measured in the horizontal plane. The turbines work best when oriented in a line at 15 degrees to the prevailing wind and alternate clockwise and counterclockwise rotations.
  • Can the turbines be placed in a coastal area?
    Yes, those are often areas of good wind. However, they may need extra anti-corrosion treatment.
  • Can the turbines be connected to the batteries we already have for our solar panels?
    Sometimes, but the connection will be customized for high voltage batteries if that is what you have. Put this information in your project detail form with specific information about your project and battery.
  • Can the turbines be connected to the inverter from our PV system?
    Ideally they should have a separate inverter, but in some cases they can, particularly when there is a battery that connects to the inverter. Sol-Ark inverters enable this.
  • Can the large turbine be installed on my roof?
    No, unless it is a very strong roof.
  • What is the size of the inverter?
    It is different for different projects.
  • Can the turbines be installed on top of a pole?
  • Do the turbines connect to an application or computer program to follow up on the energy production?
    Yes. Usually the inverter company has such a program.
  • Does Flower Turbines arrange the installation?
    In some locations, yes, but generally that is your responsibility; we will be glad to advise the installer.
  • How often do they need to be maintained? How much does service/maintenance cost annually?
    Simple external inspection once a year. Check and/or replace bearing oil every 2-3 years, depending on how windy it has been. Cost varies according to number of turbines and local material costs.Some companies make automatic lubricators.
  • Do you help us with applying for a permit?
    We give you the information you need, but the rest is up to your civil engineer.
  • Can they be placed at the peak of residential roofs?
    We are prototyping a solution for slanted roofs that includes space for solar at the same time and it should be ready by the end of summer 2024. We recommend you write us at and we will contact you when it is ready.
  • Will city ordinances allow me to install these turbines?
    Usually the city only cares about the grid connection, and we use certified inverters. You will have to speak with your local city ordinance to obtain permits and permissions. Cities also care about appearance, but who wouldn’t want an extra Tulip to look at?
  • How much square footage is needed for installation on the roof or ground floor?
    It depends on the size of the turbine. Extra room should always be considered for access and fencing. There is also some flexibility as to the distance between the turbines for the Bouquet Effect. Approximately: Small: 0.5 meters diameter. Medium: 1.0 meter diameter. Large: 2.5 meters diameter. AL13 Power Tower: 1.6 meters diameter. Then multiply these numbers by 1.25 to include increase from the Bouquet Effect.
  • Do you need to alter the roof for mounting/placement?
    It depends on the strength of the roof. Your civil engineer needs to approve it. We have some special products for installing on a roof using weights.
  • How is it being secured in place?
    It should be bolted into concrete or steel in the ground or roof. In some cases with our small version, they can be weighted down using our systems. An idea for saving money for ground installation is to level the ground, use pre-fab concrete, and paint the concrete green so it blends in with the grass.You can also use our boltless, patented flat roof system for combining wind and solar on roofs or on the ground.
  • Does a storage battery come as part of the installation?
    That is the job of the installer when it is part of the system. Some systems are grid connected without batteries involved.
  • Are the wind data loggers using wifi connectivity?
    If you mean for the weather measurement equipment, you need to ask whoever sells those. The main thing you want to look for is the ability to download a spreadsheet of wind speed.
  • How can I tell you about my project?
    You can fill out the Project Detail Form here to let us know the specifics of your project, and what you're looking to achieve:
  • Is there any solution to control the speed in this type of wind turbine, or what should be done in case of high-speed winds?
    Our turbines have an automatic electronic brake. We recently tested the turbines at 125 mph with no mechanical damage. Some sizes also have a mechanical brake or lock.
  • What wiring comes with the turbines? What if the customer needs additional wiring length?
    The turbine comes with standard wiring, which varies depending on the turbine size and specific project requirements. If additional wiring is needed, your local electrician can extend the wiring as required.
  • How do you measure your wind?
    The most important thing you can do first is measure your wind with one of many reasonably priced and commercially available kits, often called weather stations. If the average wind speed is 6 meters per second or above, you almost always have a great return on investment. 5 meters per second usually means a good return on investment. With 4 meters per second, you need the cluster effect to make a cost-effective project. Gusty wind is better than lower but steady wind. Look at some free online resources to get a feeling as to whether or not you are in a high wind area. There is a caution that comes with all these resources. Wind can be very specific to a specific location and height. Many of these resources don’t tell you exactly where they were measured and at what height. They are useful as a starting approximation. International information: Weather Underground: Enter your location, then click on Others, and scroll down to the bottom of the page for the wind graph. International information: Meteoblue: To take full advantage of this site, click on the left side bar where it says Archive Climate and then under it Weather Archive. It takes you to a page where you can get wind speed measurements or projections over the course of a year. One of the best sites, which also gives you an option to pick the height you want, is US Department of Energy: This site has useful information in general and has links to wind maps of each state. Many countries have their own meteorological services and provide data to the public. You can take that approximation and generalize by asking yourself questions: Are those websites generally accurate about what I feel the wind is? Is my location open on all sides so the wind can come through easily? Is my location in a geographical wind tunnel that accelerates the wind and makes it higher than the norm in my area? Ultimately, the most accurate solution if you are not in a definitely windy location is to invest a small amount of money and get data from a weather station. Look for one that produces a spreadsheet so that the data can be analyzed. The more often the weather station can take readings, such as every 10 seconds instead of every minute, the better. We do not make these weather stations. We simply recommend any of the reputable models that are in the price range of $100- 200 each. Hint: a wind farm involving megawatts often spends hundreds of thousands of dollars for a detailed wind assessment, so it is a good sign if you are near one.
  • Can you check wind speeds at our address to ensure the wind turbine would be a practical option?
    You can do that in several ways: 1. Check the map below for your current wind speed. 2. Get a hand held anemometer and measure it at different times of the day. 3. Get a standing anemometer (cost usually $100-300) that enables export as a spreadsheet and you can get the average, highest, etc. 4. Use online resources: or Weather Underground has a lot of people in many locations who measure the weather. There are other sites like Meteoblue and IRENA. The US Department of Energy has wind maps for each state This will tell you generally ifyou are in a good region. The problem with all these sites is that you usually don’t know at what height the measurements were taken, whether there was a building blocking the person taking the measurements, etc. Therefore, the best way to do this and spend no money is to check the general wind speed for your region using an online resource and see if this matches your personal experience. But there is no substitute for taking measurements.
  • Are the wind data loggers using wifi connectivity?
    If you mean for the weather measurement equipment, you need to ask whoever sells those. The main thing you want to look for is the ability to download a spreadsheet of wind speed.
  • What do I do if I live in an area that is not frequently windy?
    If you don’t have a wind resource, then you should get them for other value propositions than strict cost-effectiveness. You find them to be a beautiful value adder to your house or business, and a way to make a visible statement. Many companies tell us: "We invested in solar panels, but they are ugly and usually people can't see them." Another reason to get them is that they balance a solar microgrid by providing power at different times so that solar plus batteries could be more expensive than solar, wind, and batteries because you need a lot of extra expensive batteries to cover those times when there is no solar, which is at least half the time. A white paper on our site explains this in more detail.
  • How can I check my wind?
    You can do that in several ways: 1. Get a hand held anemometer and measure it at different times of the day. 2. Get a standing anemometer (cost usually $100-300) that enables export as a spreadsheet and you can get the average, highest, etc. 3. Use online resources:, or Weather Underground has a lot of people in many locations who measure the weather. There are other sites like Meteoblue and IRENA. The US Department of Energy has wind maps for each state. has wind speeds. This will tell you generally if you are in a good region. The problem with all these sites is that you usually don’t know at what height the measurements were taken, whether there was a building blocking the person taking the measurements, etc. Therefore, the best way to do this and spend no money is to check the general wind speed for your region using an online resource and see if this matches your personal experience. But there is no substitute for taking measurements. To make it easy, most coastal and mountainous areas are good wind locations. In the US, almost all the western Midwest is excellent.
  • How do private businesses feel about Flower Turbines?
    NEWTEK has experienced a good business liaison with Flower Turbines on the sale of their unique program of charging stations. We have been involved in the design and development process of some offerings, and on the whole experience an open and pleasant form of dialogue in the collaboration, which we appreciate from a supply partner. - Morten Nyholm Jensen, CEO See what others have to say about Flower Turbines on our testimonials page.
  • How do government/public organizations feel about Flower Turbines?
    “The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands attained an eco-art designed turbine in the shape of tulip from Flower Turbines and donated it to ADA University in Azerbaijan aiming to make a concrete contribution towards sustainability and promote sustainable energy use among young generation in Azerbaijan also being committed to the Netherland’s priority in sustainability. That was such a pretty, eye-catching and unique wind turbine with solar panels that generated enormous interest among public in the country. It was broadly circulated in national media. Students liked it very much as now they can easily charge their devices and bikes through that. We enjoyed our cooperation with Flower Turbines, and would like to extend our cooperation with them in our future projects.” -Embassy Staff ”In alle contacten en ontwikkelingen ervaren wij FlowerTurbines als een flexibele en service gerichte partner die graag meedenkt in het realiseren van duurzame oplossingen.” ”In all our contacts and developments, we have experienced Flower Turbines as a flexible, service-focused partner. They helped us realize sustainable solutions.” -Peter Cieremans, Municipality Rotterdam Flower Turbines was chosen as a Yes San Francisco innovator (currently active in planning a project with the city with the award money).
  • A snowstorm has caused a power outage.
    A snowstorm has swept through your city and caused massive electricity outages across your neighborhood. Your mobile battery is on its last bar, and you have no idea when you'll have power again to charge it. During times like these we want to stay in touch with our loved ones more than ever. It's time to plug into power with the Flower Turbine Survival Unit. This compact, mobile electricity solution generates enough wind power to charge your mobile battery and keep your phone on when the electricity grid is out. Simply wheel it out into the wind and let its ergonomic tulip-shaped blades get to work generating electricity for you. It's off-the-grid, clean energy when you need it most. What's more, the unit will continue to produce electricity as long as there's enough wind to rotate its vertical-axis turbine. It's the emergency system we all need in our homes - literally allowing you to own your power. Be empowered, with Flower.
  • My parents experience regular power outages, and I'm worried about them.
    It’s natural to worry about your parents as they get older. Particularly if they live in a place where they are affected by snowstorms and hurricanes that could cut them off from the rest of the world. Think of the peace of mind knowing they always have a backup power supply to keep their mobile phone battery charged or plug in a light. Enter the Flower Turbine Survival Kit. It’s a mobile, compact, turbine and battery pack that uses clean wind energy to create electricity. Your parents need only place it where it will catch the wind, and the unit’s ergonomically designed tulip-shaped blades will get to work generating power. Depending on how strong the wind is, the Survival Kit creates enough energy to charge a phone, tablet or headlamp or keep a laptop battery on. That way you can keep them connected, unaffected, and protected. Plug them into power, with Flower.
  • I have a major event coming up, and I want to make sure I have steady power.
    It's the big day, chap. You’re finally going to ask the girl of your dreams to marry you. You’ve gathered her family and friends in your favourite restaurant and you’re dressed to the nines. And then she arrives. She looks around for you, and starts spotting faces – all faces she knows.Her parents, friends, even colleagues! As she spots you, it dawns on her what’s about to happen. You make your way through the tables and get down on one knee. And as you pull the ring out of your pocket – DARKNESS! An electric short has cut out all the lights. You’re so startled you drop the ring and start scrambling around the floor trying to find it. Luckily, Flower Turbines is here to save the day.The restaurant manager has been charging a mag light on his Flower Turbine for exactly this emergency. Flower Turbines to the rescue! With a flick of a switch the crowd is bathed in light again. You find the ring and ask the Big Question. And this time you can clearly see the smile on her now well-lit face as she nods a definite yes. Flower Turbines-- when the lights go out, your proposal doesn't have to.
  • What do we get for our investment? Can you tell me where my money went?
    You get shares in the company, meaning you own a percentage of the company. Your money goes into staff, patents, facilities, R&D, prototypes, equipment, inventory, etc. Flower Turbines is not yet on a formal stock exchange. StartEngine does have a platform, which we have joined, where we have the option to allow the shares to trade for limited times.
  • When and how are you able to get your investment back?
    There are several ways that startups get the invested money back to investors: The most common are buy-outs and IPOs. You should invest money that you don’t need for several years so you can give the company time to establish itself on a large scale.
  • When will Flower Turbines go public?
    We are not allowed to answer questions like this according to SEC regulations. Any forward-looking statement that could give one person emailing us an advantage over another person is prohibited. Obviously, going public is an option for a startup and we will inform all investors equally and publicly if that happens.
  • Do StartEngine investors get a discount?
    Some very early StartEngine investors do get discounts and they were informed twice if they were in that category, and we will inform them again as a courtesy. Sometimes we offer special promotions exclusively for our investors.
  • When will I see my investment?
    We don’t know, and if we did know, we have to tell everyone publicly. We can’t give information like this to one person without giving it to all, according to SEC regulations. The usual occasions that you will see your investment pay off from a startup are IPO or acquisition. –for other investment FAQ, go to and look back at all the investor questions.
  • How do I sell shares I purchased through
    Flower Turbines is a member of the Startengine platform for selling shares to other Startengine investors. However, this is only available when we open it up for exchange. We hope to do so for a month in the coming year, and, if so, will announce it on the platform.
  • When will us investors start seeing some dividends?
    We do not give dividends and it is rare for a startup or high growth stock to give dividends because the money is better spent when reinvested for growth. If in the future we do so, it will be announced for everyone. Most sophisticated investors look at it this way: If the company can use the money I might otherwise get as dividends to increase the value of the company by a higher percentage, that is a better investment. Also, dividends are fully taxed but long-term capital gains are taxed lower in most countries.
  • How can I check the status of my shares?
    It is all handled through your Startengine account and dashboard. If you have any problems, you need to contact StartEngine. If you want to know the value of the shares, look at the current sales price of shares on StartEngine. Note: There was a 1 to 10 split at the end of 2021, so those who bought shares before need to multiply their shares by 10.
  • Do I need to report a change of address to you?
    You should do that with StartEngine. If your email is no longer valid and you have a new one, you should report that to both StartEngine and Flower Turbines.
  • What does the 10 to 1 split mean to me?
    First, it’s a 1 to 10 split, so that if you had 10 shares before, you have 100 now. Your percentage ownership of the company hasn’t changed. The company has more shares and you have more shares. Usually a stock split is made when the price of shares starts getting higher and higher, and it makes it easier for people who only have the money for a few shares to get “a piece of the pie” so it increases accessibility of the average person to capital markets. That is also what equity crowdfunding does: it makes it possible for the average person to get in on the early stage of promising companies. So, to return to what it means for you, it means easier access to shares and more participation in the company, which makes the company to some degree more valuable.
  • Why don't I have a record of my money invested from Flower Turbines?
    You get that from StartEngine. They have a dashboard for each investor. You need to log in to your account on StartEngine. Some people who have not seen it turned out to have not completed the information StartEngine asks from them. We do get a record of all investors from StartEngine and their amounts. That information is on file with our lawyers and accountants, so there are records of the information in several locations. Your payment was made through StartEngine, so they have the proof of purchase.
  • Does StartEngine accept investors from all countries?
    StartEngine does not accept investors from the UK, Canada, Afghanistan, Belarus, Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, North Korea, People’s Republic of China, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe, Kazakhstan, and Cambodia. Flower Turbines can accept angel investments from all countries; contact us directly about that. Flower Turbines is planning a Canadian raise in September 2024.
  • What is the valuation of my shares?
    The valuation is the current share price times the number of shares you own. Since the shares are not traded on a stock exchange, the share price is the latest price at which they are selling. That number is currently $12 per share. Remember that we split the stock at the end of 2021 by 1 to 10. Example: If you bought 10 shares in November 2021, you now have 100 shares. Multiplied by the current offering price of $12/share, your original investment was around $700 (price at that time was $70 per share) and is now 100 times $12, or $1200.
  • What is Flower Turbines’ share price and what are my shares worth?
    Our first raise was $10 per share. Our second raise was $30 per share. Our third raise was $70 per share. Then we split the stock 1 to 10. Example: If you bought 10 shares at $10 per share, it is now the equivalent of 100 shares at $1 each. Our last raises were $12 per share. That would be the equivalent of $120 for each share bought at the beginning for a return of 12x investment from 2018 to 2023. Our next raise for fall of 2024 is planned for $14 a share.
  • Where are my shares recorded and how can I see my shares?
    On your Startengine dashboard.
  • In the event of my passing, what will happen to my shares?
    In the event of death, if a beneficiary has the documents listed below, they would be able to transfer the shares into their name via a start engine agent. Death certificate Letter of Testamentary (appointing the executor/executrix) Investor’s will Written instructions from the executor/executrix as they make the transfer request The email to contact is
  • What is the process of becoming a reseller?
    Contact with a company profile and personal resume. Then we will contact you.
  • Do you offer exclusivity?
    Rarely, but it is possible if you define an area and commit to buying sufficient numbers that increase each year.When we find exceptional partners, as in Denmark and the Gulf region, we do grant exclusivity.




When appropriately spaced, each unit in a Bouquet receives a boost from Flower Turbines’ proprietary Bouquet Effect. Click below to view the number of turbines and see how each model's efficiency increases at different wind speeds.

*Wind Speeds are provided in Meters Per Second (M/S) as well as Miles Per Hour (MPH).




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