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Our Tech

 Over 30 patents in multiple countries

Bouquet Effect

Our patented Bouquet Effect makes each turbine perform even more efficiently when placed close to each other. 

More Zoom in Less Room

Notice that the performance of 1 turbine by itself is 36.5 and as you add more turbines each one performs better

AverageWatts_Bouquet Effect_Small.png
TotalWatts_Bouquet Effect_Small.png

 It only takes 4 turbines to produce the same energy as 8 separate turbines.
- Even more with 5 -

Roof-Saving Solution

  • Pre-set to produce the Bouquet Effect

  • No bolts needed

  • Modular

  • Easy Adjustment

  • Uses weights & balances to secure the turbines

  • No roof damage

  • Includes Solar panels

Low Starting Speeds


Our turbines begin to rotate at 0.7 m/s. 

Watch our video showing the measurement of low wind speed.

A notable technological benefit of Flower Turbines is their bird-friendly design, ensuring safe operation. 

Watch our video to see birds enjoying our turbines:


Bird Friendliness



Built to last at least 20 years

Our small tulip turbines were put on top of a truck and driven at 120.8 mph (54 m/s) with no problems.

They even operate in the snow! Click here for a video on Youtube or Vimeo.

Low Noise


Our products are literally quieter than the wind.

View our noise report below for more details:

Our turbines are ideal for urban, rural on and off-the-grid applications.

Now that you see how our tech is revolutionary....


Bring your project to life! 

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